1:1 coaching
There is no time like now to invest in yourself!
My 1:1 coaching is tailored to meet all of my client’s unique needs. Following an in-depth and dynamic discovery meeting, I provide recommendations to address the challenges my clients face but with a flexible approach and a strategy to target the problem areas. My 4 – Step integrated SOAR strategy provides guidance around mindset and business, how to create opportunities and capitalise on them, how to adapt to be a better leader in life and business and become resilient ready to face any challenge thrown your way. We will work together in partnership to address areas such as mindset blockages and limitations, resilience, leadership skills, networking, and opportunity creation as well as effective communication. Coaching generally spans a six to 12-month period, however, there is flexibility with this. This program may also include sessions using NLP and therapeutic practices if they are required to make progress.
I have experience coaching clients with a broad range of nationalities and cultures, spanning countries such as Australia, the UK, The Netherlands, various states in the USA, Canada, Iceland, and South Africa.
GROUP coaching
I have established an amazing 6-week group coaching course detailed below, and my 6-12-month Mastermind is in the making!
These models are both available for individuals and organisations.

SOAR TO RESILIENCE is a bespoke group coaching course, created to meet the challenges of individuals and businesses. It spans 2 full days or 6 weeks part-time.
When I work in collaboration with organisations, I work with you to identify your learning and development needs upfront and target the content to maximise the outcomes for the specific group of business leaders. The program for both individuals and organisations offers tools and techniques to establish a positive, constructive, and productive mindset and ultimately you benefit from better outcomes.
We focus on building resilience, further developing leadership skills, establishing and improving relationships and communication, as well as increasing energy to create a high-performance mindset. The program will help you or your business leaders to develop a more positive, resilient, flexible way of thinking to adapt more readily in the complex world we now find ourselves facing.

SECRETS TO SOAR is a 6 -12-month Mastermind Program in the making for Women in Business. The program will provide monthly content focused specifically on my 10 – Step SECRETS TO SOAR Strategy, which will help you progress outside of your comfort zone. It will cover how to create psychological safety and high-performance teams and businesses. You will learn about neuroscience and emotional intelligence hacks to put you at an advantage and we will delve into what it takes to create a sales mindset to further establish your resilience and become a master negotiator, manage relationships and set you up for success in business and your life. I will be hosting guest speakers and collaborating partners to ensure you have access to expert facilitators.
Group coaching will also enhance the program every 2 weeks with the purpose of ensuring you have regular support to build accountability to enable you to make progress. We will host a ‘home away from home’ community across the group, where you can share some of your biggest challenges and secure advice and guidance from not only me but the other associate facilitators and members.
More details will be released shortly for my open online international program. In the meantime, I’m open to enquiries about customising this model and identifying appropriate content and facilitators for a multi-modular program for businesses.
Coaching for Impact
This 2-day course will guide both developing leaders and the most seasoned leaders to support and manage employees and team performance by introducing you to a range of coaching techniques and methodologies.
New and developing coaches who have established a coaching business or are yet to take the plunge will also find this program a life-saver. You will build confidence and certainty in how to coach effectively and ethically with impact.
Shifting how you engage with your staff or your clients will impact the results in your business and how they react and respond. Coaching is a great way to achieve the outcomes you seek, to develop decision-making skills and critical thinking. Coaching also enables you to delegate responsibility to get tasks done by building trust and establishing a can do attitude and growth mindset.
This course is very practical with interactive opportunities to practice your coaching skills and gain feedback on your style, approach and it guides you on what to work on in the future. It can also be customised to meet the needs of your business.
INSIGHT is my 1:1, 8-week Breakthrough program, specifically designed to master your mindset. I have created this breakthrough process to help you dig into your subconscious mind and unlock the secrets held there, that continue to hold you back or prevent you from achieving what you truly want.
We have all established patterns of behaviour over time, which trigger unnecessary emotional responses. For some of us, this can really hold us back. It is why you may find yourself struggling with your moods, having no confidence, feeling reactive, holding irrational fears, and being struck down with limiting beliefs, that truly create stumbling blocks for you in your life and career.
INSIGHT is focused on Neurolinguistic Programming coaching and tools, TimeLine Therapy®, and Hypnosis. This is a unique program that does exactly what it stands for! It enables you to work on healing any emotions that continue to impact your life and the lives of others you care for, such as ‘Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt’. We also address any significant limiting beliefs that leave you stuck and stagnant and prevent you from feeling happy, fulfilled, positive, and more peaceful in your life and career.
This process is fully integrated using other coaching strategies that will help you better understand who you are and establish a new future purpose and vision for what you want to achieve.
You will be held in a safe space over the 8-week period to dig deep on what is truly holding you back and preventing you from taking action to become the best version of yourself.
I was blown away with this breakthrough process and you will be too!